Latest Amendment
The Constitution of the Orissa Medical Services Association is the
outward and visible manifestation of the life of its members and it
must respond to the deep pulsation for change from within. It is not
an end in itself, rather a means for ordering the life of its
member's. The generations of yesterday might not know the needs of
today, 'and if yesterday is not to paralyze today, it seems test to
permit each generation to take care of itself.
The Orissa Medical services Association got its reorganization by
the Government of Orissa in the Year 1946 under Mem. No. 5309/POLL
Dated 29th June, 1946. Consequently a constitution was framed to
govern the procedural and substantial matters on the actions and
activities of the Association and its members. Attempts were made in
the past to remove some glaring lacunae and incongruities appearing
in the constitution but these were of no avail to the association
and its member. Rather more complexity to the objectives of the
Association was noticed. For example, the constitution was first
amended in an Extra-Ordinary General Body Meeting of the Association
held on 19.02.1984 at S.C.B. Medical College and then on 41st Annual
GB Meeting at SCB Medical College on 25.06.88. On a plain reading of
such amended clauses, it is evident that such, amendments do not go
consistent with the original constitution but bring ameliorating
grievances to all. It is also learnt that a controversy relating to
the election of the office bearers of the Association was dragged to
the court of law where the present constitution could not satisfy
the test. Moreover after the separation of cadres into OMS (Orissa
Medical Service) cadre, and OMES (Orissa Medical Education Service)
cadre and the Govt. of Orissa Home Department Memo No. 643 Assn. (R)
52/91/dated 4.1.92 banning dual membership between OMSA (Orissa
Medical Services Association) and OMTA (Orissa Medical College
Teachers Association) the amendment to the present constitution
became a necessity. Then the constitution was amended in the 51st
Annual General Body held at Suchana Bhawan on 29.04.98, 57th Annual
General Body held at Sambalpur, 58th General Body Meeting held at
Jaydev Bhawan, Bhubaneswar on 22.04.05 and 59th General Body Meeting
held at Jaydev Bhawan, Bhubaneswar on 03.05.06. 62nd general body
held at sahid bhavan cuttack on 21.1.11 . There remains only one way
to change the outlook by gaining experiences from the past and that
is by way of enacting the constitution afresh and substituting the
same in place of the old one. The latest amendment in the 60th
Annual G.B. meeting held at Jeypore Kalyan Mandap, Jeypore, Koraput
on 19.05.2008 has made this Constitution up to date.
1. Short title, extent, and commencement
This constitution may be called "The Constitution of Orissa
Medical Services Association (OMSA)".
- It extends to the whole state of Orissa.
It shall be deemed to have come into force on 29th June 1946.
2. Definitions: In this Constitution unless the context otherwise
requires :
“Association” means Orissa Medical Services Association in other
words OMSA and for all purpose includes its Branches.
"Association year” - from 1st April to March 31st next calendar
year and is also termed as "financial year".
"Office" means Office of the Association which shall be in any
place in the State of Orissa where the State General Secretary of
the association is posted and in case of any Branch of the
Association it shall be in any place where the Secretary of such
Branch is posted.
"Branch" shall mean and include different branches of the
Association as have been specified in clause 4 of Part -1 of this
"Member" shall mean a person whose name appears in the Register of
members of the Association in accordance with clause 5. (b) of
Part - II of this constitution. Explanation: - The Expression
"member" shall include "Annual Member", "Life Member" and
"Associate Member" of the Association.
“OMSA District” : The C.D.M.O. will be the Chairman of O.M.S.A.
District where more than one branch exists in the district & will
be responsible for co-coordinating & organizing the sub-divisional
branches. The President and the Secretary-cum-Treasurer of the
Sub-Divisional Branches will form the Co-ordination Committee of
OMSA District. A Convener of the Co-ordination Committee will be
elected by the member of the Co-ordination Committee. In a
district with single OMSA Branch CDMO may be the president of that
- To promote brotherly feelings amongst its members
To protect the common interests of the members in relation to
their service under the Government of Odisha.
to improve the conditions and efficiency of service in the best
interest of the suffering humanity.
to maintain the honour and dignity and to uphold the interest of
the medical profession.
to promote an advance medical and allied sciences in all the
different branches and to promote the improvement of medical,
public health and allied services.
to promote Co-operation and to achieve equality amongst all the
to publish journal and bulletin of scientific and professional
to hold periodical meetings, seminars, conference of professional
to organise medical relief camp and health education campaign.
to protect the interest of past members who have retired from
their respective services under the Govt. of Odisha and
to do all such other activities as one cognate to the objects of
the Association or are incidental or conducive to the attainment
of the above objectives.
The Association, shall have Sixty branches. All these branches of
the Association shall be called as.
(1)Central Zone
OMSA Balasore
OMSA Nilagiri
OMSA Bhadrak
OMSA Cuttack
OMSA Banki
OMSA Athagarh
OMSA Kendrapara
OMSA Jagatsinghpur
OMSA Jajpur
OMSA SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack
OMSA Bhubaneswar
OMSA Khurda
OMSA Nayagarh
OMSA Basanta Manjari Swasthya Niwas, Chandpur
OMSA Dhenkanal
OMSA Hindol
OMSA Kamakhyanagar
OMSA Angul
OMSA Pallahara
OMSA Athamalik
OMSA Talcher
OMSA Mavurbhanj
OMSA Udala
OMSA Karanjia
OMSA Rairangpur
OMSA Keonihar
OMSA Anandpur
OMSA Champua
(2) West Zone
OMSA Bolangir
OMSA Patnagarh
OMSA Titlagarh
OMSA Sonepur
OMSA Sambalpur
OMSA Rairakhol
OMSA Kuchinda
OMSA VSS Medical College & Hospital, Burla
OMSA Bargarh
OMSA Padmapur
OMSA Deogarh
OMSA Sundarqarh
OMSA Bonai
OMSA Panposh ( GH-Rourkela)
OMSA Jharsuguda
(3) South Zone
OMSA Ganjam
OMSA Chhatrapur
OMSA Bhanjanagar
OMSA MKCG Medical College & Hospital, Berhampur
OMSA Paralakhemundi (Gajapati)
OMSA Phulbani
OMSA Baliguda
OMSA Boudh
OMSA Koraput.
OMSA Jeypore
OMSA Malkangiri
OMSA Rayagada
OMSA Gunupur
OMSA Nawarangpur
OMSA Nuapada
OMSA Kalahandi
5.(a)The Association shall consist of Members, the membership of
which shall be open to all in service Doctors/ Medical Officers
(Modern Medical Science) including Dental Surgeons serving under the
Govt. of Odisha under Odisha Medical Services Cadre.
Explanation :
Doctors/Medical Officers (Modern Medical Science) serving in Labour,
Home, Education, Quasi Govt. Organisation like Municipality,
Notified Area Council and in any other undertakings/ Corporations of
the Govt. of Odisha, are eligible to become the Members.
(b)There shall be a Register in which the names of all the members
of the Association according to the categories to which the' belong,
shall be entered with their qualifications and addresses.
(c)The membership shall continue until such member is retired from
Govt. service and/or unless otherwise decided by the General Body.
(d)There shall be members of three categories, namely Members, Life
members and Associate members. Persons who are eligible for
membership as per clause 5 (a) of this constitution shall be called
MEMBER: - Each of whom has one year of service to retire shall pay
an annual subscription of Rs.100 or as would be decided by the
General Body from time to time
LIFE MEMBER: - Members who pay a lump sum amount of Rs.1500 (out
of which Rs.1000 is the Central share and Rs.500 is the Branch
share) to be kept as fixed deposit in Nationalized Banks in
respective OMSA Account or as decided by the General Body from
time to time shall be called “Life Members” and shall be provided
with a permanent serial number and a life membership card for
Explanation: - In computing the extent of period of Membership of
a Life Member, the In-service period of such member till he date
of his/her retirement from Govt. service shall be construed to be
the period of Life Membership
ASSOCIATE MEMBER: - Members after retirement from Govt. service,
shall be deemed to be Associate Members unless desired otherwise
by such members and/or decided otherwise by the General Body.
Each member has a right to attend the General body meetings of the
Association apart from attending and taking part in any
conferences, seminars, Relief camps, or such other specified
occasions organized by the Association from time to time.
Every member except the Associate Member has the right to vote on
any motion.
Every member except the Associate Member has the right to contest
for any one of the post of the office bearers of the Association
as laid down in part VI clause 29 C of constitution.
Associate Members may form a forum to discuss any specific
problems of retired members of the Association regarding
retirement benefits and social schemes and Association may pursue
the opinion and recommendation if any submitted in writing by such
The following shall make a member disqualified to enjoy the rights
and privileges mentioned in clause 6 to the constitution.
If annual membership /life membership fees of the Association is
not paid.
- If expelled by the General Body.
- If misappropriated the funds of the Association.
For misconduct, bringing disreputation to the Association &
profession, and
If dismissed / discharged from the Govt. service and / or /
convicted by any court of law, for any criminal charges.
The objectives of the Association shall be
- To promote brotherly feelings amongst its members
To protect the common interests of the members in relation to
their service under the Government of Odisha.
to improve the conditions and efficiency of service in the best
interest of the suffering humanity.
to maintain the honour and dignity and to uphold the interest of
the medical profession.
to promote an advance medical and allied sciences in all the
different branches and to promote the improvement of medical,
public health and allied services.
to promote Co-operation and to achieve equality amongst all the
to publish journal and bulletin of scientific and professional
to hold periodical meetings, seminars, conference of professional
to organise medical relief camp and health education campaign.
to protect the interest of past members who have retired from
their respective services under the Govt. of Odisha and
to do all such other activities as one cognate to the objects of
the Association or are incidental or conducive to the attainment
of the above objectives.
The Association, shall have Sixty branches. All these branches of
the Association shall be called as.
(1)Central Zone
OMSA Balasore
OMSA Nilagiri
OMSA Bhadrak
OMSA Cuttack
OMSA Banki
OMSA Athagarh
OMSA Kendrapara
OMSA Jagatsinghpur
OMSA Jajpur
OMSA SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack
OMSA Bhubaneswar
OMSA Khurda
OMSA Nayagarh
OMSA Basanta Manjari Swasthya Niwas, Chandpur
OMSA Dhenkanal
OMSA Hindol
OMSA Kamakhyanagar
OMSA Angul
OMSA Pallahara
OMSA Athamalik
OMSA Talcher
OMSA Mavurbhanj
OMSA Udala
OMSA Karanjia
OMSA Rairangpur
OMSA Keonihar
OMSA Anandpur
OMSA Champua
(2) West Zone
OMSA Bolangir
OMSA Patnagarh
OMSA Titlagarh
OMSA Sonepur
OMSA Sambalpur
OMSA Rairakhol
OMSA Kuchinda
OMSA VSS Medical College & Hospital, Burla
OMSA Bargarh
OMSA Padmapur
OMSA Deogarh
OMSA Sundarqarh
OMSA Bonai
OMSA Panposh ( GH-Rourkela)
OMSA Jharsuguda
(3) South Zone
OMSA Ganjam
OMSA Chhatrapur
OMSA Bhanjanagar
OMSA MKCG Medical College & Hospital, Berhampur
OMSA Paralakhemundi (Gajapati)
OMSA Phulbani
OMSA Baliguda
OMSA Boudh
OMSA Koraput.
OMSA Jeypore
OMSA Malkangiri
OMSA Rayagada
OMSA Gunupur
OMSA Nawarangpur
OMSA Nuapada
OMSA kalahandi
d. In addition to the above branches any new branch may be formed by
the General Body of the Association in any place of the State.