Within 10 (ten) months out of 60 (sixty) branches of OMSA,
already 50 branches have their executives elected and started
working which was previously nil.
- 2 press conferences held to air OMSA views and demands.
58th Annual conference and GB of OMSA - roaring success -
Hon'ble CM, HM, Secretary Health, DHS, for the first time in the
dias - attended by more than 500 members.
Acquisition of OMSA land for OMSA house near Capital Hospital in a
prominent place in record time.
186 posts senior class - I DPC - largest ever held in quick time
after taking over charge.
OMSA Voice / Bulletin publication become regular - communication to
branches enhanced.
Government declared incentives to doctors in 8 KBK districts,
Gajapati, Kandhamala, Boudh - Rs. 8000/- for doctors working in a
peripheral health institution - Rs. 4000/- for doctors working in
Head quarters by OMSA proposal.
Atrocities on members quickly attended to by OMSA executives
reaching the place of occurrence and culprits apprehended
- Very few transfers this season.
Achievements – 2005 Onwards
Additional Finance Incentives (A.F.I) to OMSA members in 11
Districts (Koraput, Nabarangapur, Rayagada, Malkangiri, Bolangir,
Sonepur, Kalahandi, Nuapada, Gajapati, Kandhamal, Boudh) Rs.2000/- &
Rs.5000/- per month.
Possession of Land for OMSA Bhawan, Near Capital Hospital –
Rs.2,00,000/- paid to G.A Dept., Orissa and advanced possession
Prevention of Extension of retirement of age beyond 60 years-
Implemented in 59th G.B. resoulation due to constraint of
promotional prospects. Still, a constant threat.
Additional Secretary, Health and F.W. post retained- Foiled the
attempt to make it rotational basis with medical college cadre.
OMSA Website – launched on 21.09.2006 – First time
for any service organization.
10% additional marks for in- service P.G selection- First time for
those member who worked 3 years in KBK District and 5% marks for
- Minimum transfer from 2005 onwards.
First time panel drawn for DPC– From 21.12.2004 onwards, when DPC
notified for 181 class-I posts. Other DPC's are junior class-I, 27
post notified on 24.10.2005, Joint Director Level-II 16 posts
notified on 31.07.2006, Senior Administrative Grade (Dirrector,Addl.
Secretary) 3 posts notified on 01.08.2006, junor class-I 183 posts
notified on20.01.2007, Senior Class-I posts notified on 11.05.2007,
Joint Director Level-II 13 posts held on 15.05.2007, Joint Director
Level I 6 posts held on 29.03.2007 & Senior Administrative Grade
held on 24.05.2007.
Life Membership drive- Nearly 805 life members till now with Bhadrak
Branch achieving full life membership (All most all got life
membership card Rs.3,00,000 colleceted as life membership fees fixed
deposited in the bank.)
Organizational Activities – Branch Executives elected in all 60
branches ; 58th & 59th Annual Function & General Body held
successfully first time with Hon’ble Chief Minister , Hon’ble Health
Minister , Principal Secretary Health & Directors were on Dias; Two
press conference held at BBSR & many such outside- to air OMSA
views,demand & problems ; All CWC & CEC meetings held in time , two
OMSA voice & two OMSA bulletins published; state executives went
round to all most all b ranches twice.
Atrocities on members attended to in time – From 2005 onwards around
50 cases atrocities on members promptly attended to by state
executives in time & in all case culprits were auested . OMSA
successfully appealed to its members not to join in health
institutions where the previous members has been attacked &
OMSA successfully objected to midsession transfer of its members
without administrative grounds & successfully requested to Govt. to
fill up vacancies from District Head Quarters Hospital upto the
lowest level of HCF.